No unfortunately not, salt and minerals are dissolved as ions in the water and they are simply too small for removal with a normal filter cartridge.
Cartridge filters are good for removing chemicals, heavy metals, odours, taste, sediment and some bacteria from your supply but do not remove any of the hardness or salt.
There are two types of minerals – organic and inorganic.
Organic minerals are found in the food we eat and inorganic minerals are found in the water we drink. Most of our body’s requirements come from the organic minerals in food and has trouble absorbing most of the inorganic minerals found in water. Rainwater has long been accepted as a good source of drinking but rainwater is basically distilled which does not contain any minerals.
These days, due to pollution and the amount of chemicals added to tap water we feel it is better to remove all the minerals and contaminates by filtration, and concentrate on a healthy diet for your mineral requirements.
At the very least, highly purified water tastes better so you will be inclined to drink more, thereby improving your overall heath.
Lead can enter drinking water when plumbing materials that contain lead corrode, especially where the water has high acidity or low mineral content that corrodes pipes and fixtures. The most common sources of lead in drinking water are old pipes, poor quality taps, and fixtures.
Although it sometimes may not taste so good, municipal tap water is comprehensively tested to ensure it is safe for consumers to use. There are a set of guidelines called the Australian Drinking Water Standards which sets out quality requirements for both chemical and biological safety. Chemical safety refers to the levels of minerals and chemicals in the water that can cause harm to ourselves and our gardens. Biological safety refers to bacteria and viruses which can cause us stomach upsets and disease. In most cases a private supply such as rainwater, bore water and dam water rarely conforms to these standards, leaving people open to health concerns.
You should have your bore water tested once each year for total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids, and pH levels. If you suspect other contaminants, you should test for those as well. However, spend time identifying potential problems as these tests can be expensive. You should also have your well tested if:
Scheme water is safe and this is validated by the thousands of samples that are collected and analysed by your scheme water supplier. Water is treated to the required Australian standard and then disinfected using chlorine dosing systems.
When you open the tap and fill a glass of water, you should notice a chlorine odour and taste, this is normal.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses a partially permeable membrane to remove ions, unwanted molecules and larger particles from drinking water.
Ever wondered where your water comes from??
Potable water in WA is obtained from a combination of sources including:
If you live in the Perth Region and have access to Scheme Water then you can check out Water Corporations Sources page here. If you are in Busso, here is a resource also.
If you are in a rural area, then you most probably self reliant on Groundwater or commonly known as Bore Water. If you have specific questions regarding your Bore Water, we suggest you jump onto the Department of Water and Environmental Regulations FAQ’s page here.
HARD Water is simply a reference that water contains elevated concentrations of dissolved minerals predominantly as Calcium and Magnesium. It should be noted that both of these minerals are naturally occurring and are effectively harmless. These minerals are rather the vermin of water and make it very inconvenient for us humans by scaling of our domestic appliances, leaving spots and streaks on our fixtures and fittings.
The degree of hardness of the water increases, when more calcium and magnesium dissolves and water above 120ppm is considered to be hard. The hardness in Perth’s scheme water ranges between 180 to 300 ppm, so yes we have hard water, but remember its just a nuisance (so they say).
There are some applications that these minerals actually causes issues such as:
Blue staining on sinks and tiles can be an indication of copper leaching from the household plumbing and is normally due to an acidic water supply.
Acidic water typically occurs in low pH to ensure private bores and rainwater supplies whereas scheme water is treated to the pH is Alkaline (above pH 7) minimising plumbing corrosion and the ingestion of metals.
Water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance.
It consists of a hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, combined by covalent bonds to for a water molecule.
When lots of water molecules come together (hydrogen bonds) it takes the shape we visually see as water. Water is a fundamental part of respiration and photosynthesis, and all known forms of life depends on water.
Water is a good solvent, that dissolves many salts and hydrophilic organic molecules such as sugars and simple alcohols. Water also dissolves many gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. In addition, many substances in living organisms are dissolved in water.
Its this ability that also causes water to contain and carry contaminants and pathogens that can impact flora, fauna and humans.
The Department of Health regulates the quality of drinking water in Western Australia in accordance with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG’s).
The ADWG’s are published by the National Health and Medical Research Council and are designed to provide an authoritative reference on what defines safe, good quality water, how it can be achieved and how it can be assured.
Scheme suppliers are required to treat source water and confirm its suitability for consumption through a rigorous sampling and monitoring program.
Rural properties that rely on Bore Water as their primary source of water should have their bore water tested regularly for contamination. Here is a handy resource from our regulator. Remember as an owner of a private water supply, you are legally responsible for the water quality and health and safety of those who consume your water. Note: untreated water that appears clear and odourless should not be assumed to be free of contaminants.
Most of urban regions in WA are supplied by Scheme Water that are both licensed and regulated. There are some smaller suppliers that service some regional places in WA but most relevant info can be found on the Water Corporation website.
Scheme Water is regulated by the Department of Health providing assurance to West Australians that our water is of good quality and suitable for consumption.
However, there are a lot of people on private supplies predominantly from groundwater fed by on-site bores. This is also known and referred to as Bore Water. The onus on the suitability of water from a Bore becomes the owners responsibility. The Department of Health has provided a specific Bore Water page that provides a lot of good info for those concerned. The most important thing to take away from those on Bore Water, is that you should test your water and do it regularly to ensure your water is fit for purpose.
Chlorine is added to town water supplies to control microorganisms which can result in waterborne diseases.Chlorine is the same active chemical as you will find in household bleach making it one of the most desirable chemicals to filter due to its strong odour and taste.
Chlorine is toxic to fish and other household pets. Our pets absorb water directly into the blood stream unlike us. So best ensure that you prevent your pet drinking your pool water and definitely filter your water for your pets sake.
Water staining is typically due to either iron or manganese in bore water which has dissolved out of the surrounding ground structure.
In a lot of instances the water is perfectly clear when first pumped out of the bore and then overtime forms a residue as it reacts with air leaving stains and blockages to irrigation pipes.
If your water suddenly looks discolored, it might be because of a disturbance to nearby water mains, including breaks or repairs. This can also happen if there is construction near your building. Additionally, the use of fire hydrants for firefighting can temporarily cause brown water. Because the water mains are pressurized, a disturbance may stir up or re-suspend sediments, which causes the water to be discolored. Discoloration is typically a temporary condition most often from particles that have settled to the bottom of the water pipes buried under the roadways. Any sudden change in the flow of water within the pipes or outside vibration, may loosen or re-suspend sediment back into the water.
Drinking water is important as your body is composed of nearly 70% water, it is important to replenish the liquid you lose when doing exercise are other activities every day. Water helps maintain a balance in the body and can aid weight loss when combined with a water rich – low calorie diet. Water also helps to remove impurities from your body as well.